As part of the Blue Note @ 75 celebration, the Bullettes all-female quintet will pay homage to the Blue Note artists Hank Mobley and Curtis Fuller with the photography of Francis Wolff, Blue Note co-founder, in the background on May 28th. We will be so lucky as to have
Anita Thomas on tenor,
Isabel DeLeon on drums,
Karine Chapdelaine on bass,
Lianna Gekker on piano, and myself on trombone. This quintet is a pull-out ensemble from my larger group called
Shannon Gunn and the Bullettes. The performance will be from 8:30 – 9:30 PM on May 28th at the
Goethe-Institut Washington in the FotoGaleria, 812 Seventh Street, NW, WDC, 20001-3718, $7/$4,
(202) 289-1200