How to Use ForScore

Have you been looking for a PDF sheet music reader for iPad? The sheet music reader ForScore is an excellent app that reads sheet music and turns pages. This is an article with a summary of all the resources on this website related to ForScore. I noticed that there weren’t very many tutorials on the internet for this app, but I use it all the time and would have appreciated a quick overview. I believe ForScore is the best iPad sheet music app for iOS devices, and allows you to create and share set lists, share PDFs, annotate, and flip pages across devices. As I add additional posts, I’ll add them to this post so all the resources are in the same place. Hope this is helpful! Please let me know your questions in the comments!

Part 1: How to pull PDFs into ForScore

Part 2: How to Use ForScore (general overview)

Part 3: How to Flip Pages Across Devices

Part 4: How to Use Bookmarks in Setlists

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. David Pastor

    Bon dia, tinc una partitura on la lletra de les sopranos està en alemany i la de les contralts en anglès, i vull esborrar la lletra de contralts i copiar la de sopranos. Com puc fer-ho?

    1. jazztothebone

      Hello, I did a quick google translate for this question. I believe you will need to edit the PDF. You can edit the PDF with Adobe Acrobat. You can also edit the PDF with ForScore, but I haven’t been able to get that figured out yet. Hope that helps!

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